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Monorepo setup problems

I get started with Turborepo kitchen sink example and chose to use pnpm as my package manager. Some detailed environment:

  • NodeJS LTS v18.12.0
  • pnpm version 7.14.1

Problems occurred since I can not run pnpm run build or pnpm run dev easily through the dependencies are not resolved correctly.

Investigation and fix

Assuming that I use the Turborepo kitchen sink example example.

Here are my steps:

  • Remove the pnpm-lock.yaml and node_modules at the root folder, and re-install pnpm install
  • Create a new file pnpm-workspace.yaml in the root folder with the following content
    - "apps/*"
    - "packages/*"
  • Go to all repositories in the monorepo, update all the package.json files "dependencies" and "devDependencies" from "" to "workspace:".
  • Add new files option in the packages/tsconfig/package.json
    "files": ["base.json", "nextjs.json", "react-library.json", "vite.json"]
  • Go to packages/logger and install @types/node: pnpm install @types/node -D
  • Update the packages/logger/tsconfig.json file in the compilerOptions section
    "compilerOptions": {
    - "lib": ["ES2015"],
    + "lib": ["ES2015", "DOM"],
    "module": "CommonJS",
    "outDir": "./dist",
    - "rootDir": "./src"
    + "rootDir": "./src",
    + "types": ["node", "jest"]

Now I can run pnpm run dev/pnpm run build, the detailed commit: