📄️ Monorepo setup problems
I get started with Turborepo kitchen sink example and chose to use pnpm as my package manager.
📄️ Setup infrastructure notes
This is the first step in building my project. Since the setup process follows the guide in Google Cloud Console, I still feel interested in this journey.
📄️ Environment variables
This is an interesting and frustrating problem.
📄️ Setup storybook
Setting up the storybook is just a tech debt, but it is important because:
📄️ First day implementation
My idea is to have multiple designs for the same site.
📄️ Filter audios by feeling
After consideration all pros and cons, I decied:
📄️ Firebase bundle size
After build with Vite (rollup), the bundle size is big, see this PR//github.com/shinaBR2/shinabr2-world/pull/56
📄️ Go live
📄️ Setup Firebase with turbo repo